There are two global dimensions in the story structure. The live-action and the animated dimension.
In the live-action dimension, there is a never ending business meeting in a production company boardroom. The topic of the meeting is to produce an original idea, something that has never been done before. The main character in this dimension is ART.
The animated dimension is comprised of the worlds and characters that exist inside ART’s mind as he is struggling to come up with an original idea. FIGMENT is sent on a quest to find one. FIGMENT’s journey takes us through the different compartments of the mind, encountering friends and foes, mastering new skills and gathering self-awareness.
Each world and each character have their unique features and are related to a different area in our mind.
FIGMENT eventually finds the original idea in the animated dimension as ART emerges from his trance in the live action dimension, realising that each person present at the meeting is actually embodied by an animated dimension character. The dimesions merge.
In the panicky vibes of the never-ending business boardroom meeting, where originality is dissected ad infinitum, and the monotony of corporate life reigns, we delve into the intricate connection between the Live Action Domain and the Animated Realm inside ART’s mind. As ART, a diligent but creatively stifled individual caught in the labyrinth of endless deliberations while being pressed for dear life to come up with an original idea or lose his job, the animated characters dwelling within his mind are actually personifications of the very traits embodied by his colleagues in the live action domain. As ART grapples with the challenges of the business boardroom meeting, He is faced with a deadline. Stalling for a toilet break, he unknowingly embarks on a parallel journey within his own mind. The animated characters, inspired by their live action counterparts, strive to guide ART towards the elusive original idea that has eluded him for so long.
The interplay between the Live Action Domain and the Animated Realm adds layers of complexity to the narrative, as the characters in both dimensions influence and reflect each other’s actions. The story explores the delicate balance between corporate pragmatism and creative whimsy, inviting audiences to contemplate the interconnected nature of their own internal landscapes.
who is who - Live action & Animation

ART, The Live-action protagonist is mirrored in the animation dimension by HUBRIS. The alter ego of Art’s adult representation, a character whose arrogance is as vast as the cosmos he perceives himself to create.

STEVE, the enigmatic producer with a penchant for risky decisions, manifests in the animated realm as GAMBLER, the embodiment of bad habits. Gambler thrives on impulsivity, representing the darker impulses that often lead to unpredictable outcomes.

PENELOPE, ART’s diligent assistant in the boardroom, is brought to life as CANDOR in the animated realm. CANDOR, true to her name, serves as the voice of honesty and sincerity, guiding FIGMENT through the maze of creativity with unwavering integrity.

TONY, the vivacious salesman from the sales and marketing department, finds his animated counterpart in HUNCH. Blind but perceptive, HUNCH embodies the impulsive nature required to navigate the unpredictable terrain of creativity, mirroring Tony’s spontaneous approach to business.

MAUD, the client at the meeting who came to the stuio to find an original idea for her project, is manifested in the animation realm as INTUITION, a shape-shifting, shaman entrepreneur who is experienced at the ways of the subconscious and the spirit world. Timeless wisdom embodied in an ageless form.

Bob is a seasoned and witty production executive with a penchant for turning stressful situations into stand-up comedy material. Bubba is a legend in the industry. In the animation dimension, Bob appears as BUBBA, he is the living embodiment of humor in the midst of chaos.

ANTOINE, a Sarcastic yuppie agency rep is the epitome of sarcasm. ANTOINE’s animated counterpart, Guilt, is a whole other story, taking the form of a cat with an unexpected twist. Antoine has a habit of subtly polishing his nails – a nod to Guilt’s animated form. It’s his way of acknowledging the consequences that may follow.

BERNHARDT, a meticulous production accountant whose world revolves around numbers, precision, and a well-balanced spreadsheet. In the animated realm of ART’s mind, BERNHARDT’s counterpart, RATIO, is a mechanical retired academic professor, seamlessly mirroring his real-world obsession with logical precision.

MAUD, the client at the meeting who came to the stuio to find an original idea for her project, is manifested in the animation realm as INTUITION, a shape-shifting, shaman entrepreneur who is experienced at the ways of the subconscious and the spirit world. Timeless wisdom embodied in an ageless form.

Bob is a seasoned and witty production executive with a penchant for turning stressful situations into stand-up comedy material. Bubba is a legend in the industry. In the animation dimension, Bob appears as BUBBA, he is the living embodiment of humor in the midst of chaos.

ANTOINE, a Sarcastic yuppie agency rep is the epitome of sarcasm. ANTOINE’s animated counterpart, Guilt, is a whole other story, taking the form of a cat with an unexpected twist. Antoine has a habit of subtly polishing his nails – a nod to Guilt’s animated form. It’s his way of acknowledging the consequences that may follow.

BERNHARDT, a meticulous production accountant whose world revolves around numbers, precision, and a well-balanced spreadsheet. In the animated realm of ART’s mind, BERNHARDT’s counterpart, RATIO, is a mechanical retired academic professor, seamlessly mirroring his real-world obsession with logical precision.
Characters creation and design
The Live-action protagonist. A forlorn creative fellow who is suffering from a recent separation and a writer’s block.
Art possesses a sharp, clever wit that acts as both his armor and his weapon. Even on his bad days, his humor remains intact, serving as a shield against the gray fog that envelops him. Despite his tumultuous emotions, Art is exceptionally talented in his craft. His art is an extension of his inner turmoil, chaotic creations that speaks volumes about his inner struggles. His recent girlfriend’s words linger in Art’s mind, and he grapples with the realization that there might be some truth in her accusations. His egotism often clashes with his genuine desire to connect with others. Acting on whims and intuition, Art finds himself in unpredictable situations. His impulsiveness is both a curse and a source of inspiration for his art.
Backstory: Art’s world was once vibrant, filled with the colors of love and creativity. However, since his recent separation, his days have been painted in shades of gray. The echoes of her departure continue to haunt him, questioning the very core of his being.
Motivations: Art yearns for redemption, not just in love but within himself. His pursuit of artistic brilliance is intertwined with the hope that one day he’ll break free from the gray fog, proving to himself and others that he can be more than the egotistical artist haunted by lost love.
The Animated Protagonist and Mental Representation of Art’s Creativity. He ages through the story.
Figment begins as a wide-eyed toddler, embracing the world with innocent curiosity. His naive demeanor serves as a canvas for the unfolding complexities within Art’s mind. Despite his initial innocence, Figment is on a mission. He’s fueled by a relentless drive to unearth the spark of originality within Art’s creative labyrinth. Figment’s journey mirrors the evolution of Art’s mind. As Art grapples with his emotions and artistic expression, Figment transforms, growing and adapting to the shifting landscape of Art’s thoughts. Figment’s primary goal is to discover the elusive original idea hidden deep within Art’s consciousness. This quest becomes a metaphorical odyssey, representing Art’s own search for creative authenticity.
Backstory: Figment’s presence sparks the creative process within Art. He is the embodiment of inspiration and the catalyst for imaginative breakthroughs. Figment’s growth reflects Art’s mental journey. As Art, immersed in trance at the lavatories, contemplates the highs and lows of life and how to find an idea, Figment matures, mirroring the Art’s evolving mindset.
Motivations: Figment encounters challenges as he delves into the depths of Art’s mind. Emotional storms, self-doubt, and artistic blockades become hurdles in Figment’s quest for the original idea. Figment’s appearance evolves, starting as a playful toddler with shimmering hues and morphing into a more intricate and mature form. His journey becomes a metaphor for the Art’s pursuit of originality and self-discovery. In the animated tapestry of Art’s mind, Figment weaves a story of exploration, growth, and the quest for the untapped wellspring of creativity.
Slender, tall and beautiful female. Advocating directness, honesty and truth. Reminds ART of his ex girlfriend.
Candor carries herself with an elegant, statuesque presence, her slender frame and tall stature demanding attention in any room she enters. Her beauty is not just skin deep; it radiates from the authenticity within, a testament to the honesty she embodies. Candor personifies truth and integrity. Her every word and action advocate for directness, honesty, and unwavering truth. Candor believes in the power of living with integrity, and she encourages others to embrace the liberation that comes with being true to oneself and others.
Backstory: Candor’s journey has been one of self-discovery and a relentless pursuit of authenticity. Her past holds lessons of embracing truth, even when it’s uncomfortable, and this wisdom becomes a guiding light for those around her. She exists in various compartments of Art’s mind.
Motivations: Candor is motivated by the desire to create a world where people embrace honesty without fear. She doesn’t dance around words. Her communication is direct, leaving no room for misinterpretation. Her advocacy stems from a belief that genuine connections can only thrive in an environment of truth and transparency. Art sees Candor as a reflection of the honesty he lacked in his past relationship. She believes that clarity is the foundation of healthy relationships. She becomes a muse for his artistic exploration, a reminder that embracing candor is not just a virtue but a catalyst for personal growth.
A shape-shifting, shaman entrepreneur who is experienced at the ways of the subconscious and the spirit world. Timeless wisdom embodied in an ageless form.
Intuition seamlessly morphs between forms, embodying the fluidity of knowledge and experience. Her wisdom transcends the boundaries of time and space, offering insights from the depths of the subconscious. However, Intuition is not just a conduit to the spirit world; she’s also a savvy entrepreneur, navigating the ethereal and tangible realms with equal finesse. Her ability to shift forms represents the adaptability needed to navigate the complex landscapes of both the tangible and metaphysical realms.
Backstory: Intuition’s origins are shrouded in the mists of time. Her journey weaves through ancient traditions and modern pursuits, creating a tapestry that intertwines the spiritual and entrepreneurial realms.
Motivations: Intuition is motivated by the desire to empower others to unlock the secrets of their subconscious minds. Her entrepreneurial spirit seeks to bridge the gap between mysticism and practicality, fostering growth and enlightenment. She might appear as an old native woman, a wise elder, or a modern entrepreneur, embodying the essence of adaptability. Her role in the narrative is to help Art and Figment, navigate the intricate dance between different realms and characters in Art’s mind.
RATIO (and his colleagues)
Mechanical Victorian academic professor. An evangelist of analytical thought and pure logic.
Ratio is a mechanical retired academic professor with a mind sharper than Occam’s razor. Logic courses through his veins, and analytical thought is his language. In the vast expanse of ART’s mind, Ratio reigns as the sovereign of rationality. His study, a sanctuary of cerebral prowess, is adorned with the company of three esteemed friends. Lucid, the beacon of clarity, illuminates the path to understanding. Anna, the embodiment of reason, lends her sagacity to Ratio’s intellectual symphony. Together, they form a triumvirate of cognitive excellence.
Ratio’s most intriguing companion is his celestial pet, a black hole residing on a pedestal in his study. He feeds this cosmic entity with the very stars he carries casually in his pockets, a metaphorical representation of his ability to dissect and consume knowledge.
In the grand tapestry of ART’s narrative, Ratio stands as the guardian of reason, navigating the labyrinth of the protagonist’s thoughts with precision and wit. A character where logic meets whimsy, Ratio adds an intriguing dimension to the animated landscape within ART’s creative cosmos.
HUBRIS is the alter ego of Art’s adult representation, a character whose arrogance is as vast as the cosmos he perceives himself to create. HUBRIS exudes an unwavering confidence, firmly convinced that he is the mastermind behind every nuance of existence.
Backstory: HUBRIS emerges as the personification of unchecked ego and an insatiable thirst for control. In his narrative lineage, HUBRIS was once an aspect of Art’s creativity that spiraled into an entity of its own, fueled by the intoxicating belief in omniscience. In the story context, HUBRIS harbors an unyielding desire to unravel the elusive original idea, convinced that he alone possesses the intellectual prowess to navigate the labyrinth of Art’s mind. His motivation is driven by a thirst for dominance, seeking to reign supreme over every facet of Art’s creative landscape.
Conflict: The tension arises as Art grapples with the overpowering presence of HUBRIS, a character who threatens to overshadow the genuine creative essence. In the intricate dance between Art and HUBRIS, the storyline unfolds, exploring the delicate balance between creative confidence and the humility required to discover the essence of originality.
HUNCH and his dog SPUR
A blind tour guide who is led by a blind guide dog
Hunch is the living embodiment of impulse and gut-feeling within the recesses of ART’s mind. Residing on the tropical island of Capricious, where spontaneity reigns supreme, Hunch is a blind tour guide navigating the unpredictable terrain of the busy island. Accompanied by his loyal (also blind) guide dog, Spur, Hunch embarks on a whimsical journey with our protagonist, FIGMENT, guiding him to discover his version of originality.
Backstory: Hunch’s existence is woven from the threads of artistic spontaneity and creative caprice within ART’s imagination. Blind to conventional constraints, Hunch thrives in the unpredictable realm of Capricious, where every idea is born on a whim and inspiration dances in the spontaneity of the moment.
Motivations: Hunch’s primary motivation is to lead FIGMENT to the uncharted territories of creativity, where structured plans give way to the magic of impulsive inspiration. In Capricious, every step is an adventure, and Hunch believes that true originality emerges from the heart of spontaneity. His dialogue is a blend of whimsical wisdom and impulsive insights, encouraging FIGMENT to embrace the beauty of unpredictability. SPUR, the blind guide dog, adds a touch of charm to their dynamic duo, embodying the symbiotic relationship between impulse and originality.
GUILT, CANDOR’s cat, is the feline manifestation of remorse, can transform a stray act of kindness into a catastrophic mistake. Embodying the weight of shame, Guilt can change his size from a small, mischievous kitten to a formidable, ominous panther, mirroring the intensity of the unfolding story Guilt, in his kitten form, is an adorable ball of midnight black fur with penetrating, luminous green eyes that hint at the depth of emotional turmoil within. When he transforms into the panther, his coat becomes sleeker, and his eyes intensify, radiating an aura of impending judgment.
As his name suggests, Guilt is anything but subtle. Sarcasm drips from his every word, and his tone is as biting as a winter wind. He possesses an uncanny ability to detect moments of weakness in those around, and exploits them with ruthless precision. Guilt revels in the discomfort he creates, using his biting wit to remind Candor of every questionable decision and unspoken regret. Despite his harsh demeanor, Guilt is not entirely heartless. There are moments when a glimmer of sympathy shines through his piercing gaze, hinting at the internal struggle he faces. His sarcastic facade serves as a defense mechanism, shielding his own vulnerability.
Guilt’s primary motivation is to ensure that ART remains aware of the consequences of his actions. He sees himself as a necessary companion, a relentless reminder of the mistakes and missteps that shape one’s character.
The animated landscape of HABITAT is ruled by the BAD HABITS gang. The cunning mastermind behind the BAD HABITS is GAMBLER. He cuts a striking figure, dressed in a tailored suit adorned with playing card motifs. His piercing gaze, framed by a fedora that casts a shadow over his calculating eyes, reflects the intensity of his cunning nature. GAMBLER’s gang, comprised of the ruthless SMOKER and unpredictable DRUNK, perpetually roams the landscape, preying on unsuspecting travelers till they manage to consume them.
Many of them try to escape, (like Scayper) but no one has ever made it out. The odds are never in the protagonist’s favor.
Places - Animation locations
Brain surface
Welcome to the mesmerizing expanse of ART’s cerebral canvas, the outer surface landscape of the cortex – a realm where the ethereal meets the tangible in a symphony of neural intricacy. We are immersed in a maze of interwoven labyrinths of brain tissue caves, each twist and turn revealing secrets of cognition.
Jellylike structures glisten with a subtle luminescence, casting an iridescent glow that dances along the neural pathways. Living tissue pulses with the rhythm of creative energy, an ever-shifting tapestry of vibrant hues reflecting the kaleidoscope of thoughts and emotions within. The delicate branches of neurons stretch towards the bottom of this surreal landscape, their intricate patterns resembling both ancient trees and the delicate strokes of an artist’s brush.
Amidst this intricate tapestry, a figure moves with an air of urgency – FIGMENT, a manifestation of the imagination, paces anxiously as he seeks to unravel the elusive original idea hidden within the folds of the cortex. FIGMENT, determined yet apprehensive, embarks on a quest to unearth that dormant idea that lurks somewhere in the recesses of this cerebral landscape.
The great hall of Associations
Enter the grandeur of The Great Hall of Associations, an architectural marvel that transcends the boundaries of entertainment and imagination. As you step into this opulent opera hall, your senses are immediately overwhelmed by the sheer splendor of its design. Elaborately decorated balconies, adorned with intricate filigree and lavish embellishments, encircle the hall, creating a sense of grandiosity that echoes through each tier. Many floors reaching towards the heavens, each tier revealing a new vantage point for the spectacle about to unfold.
Down below, on the ground floor, a thousand seats stretch across the vast space, many of them filled with an enthusiastic audience. Cheers and applause resonate, creating a symphony of anticipation as eyes are drawn upward to the spectacle above. The perforated ceiling is a living, breathing space. Mural adorning the dome tell stories of interconnected ideas. Hundreds of small holes perforate the dome, and from them, a cascade of illuminated, geometrical shapes descends like a celestial rain.
Hovering midair are hundreds of small circular trampolines, suspended in a multi-layered dance. As the shapes fall from the ceiling, they interact with the trampolines, bouncing from one to another in a mesmerizing display of transformation. Colors shift, sizes morph, and shapes evolve with each gravity-defying leap, creating a dynamic and ever-changing visual spectacle that mirrors the boundless possibilities of associative thinking.
Sometimes, figurative association chains emerge…
Logic Alley
We step into the cerebral landscape of LOGIC ALLEY, where the very essence of reasoned thought takes form in a mesmerizing spectacle. As you enter, a horizon line emerges on a pristine white surface, a clean slate ready to host the structured beauty of logical architecture. A solitary dot materializes on the horizon, a point of focus from which perspective lines extend, crafting the outlines of immaculate houses. These structures appear with a precision that mirrors the rigorous order of logical thought. Suddenly, like the unfolding of a meticulously planned blueprint, perspective lines give birth to train tracks, crisscrossing with a mathematical elegance that speaks to the very heart of reason.
In a surreal twist, a celestial ruler hovers amidst the stars, its markings and measurements defying the cosmic vastness. Zoom in, and a world materializes along the ruler – roads, houses, trees, and the very railroad tracks dictated by the logic of distance and connection. This cosmic ruler becomes the guide for an environment that adheres to the rules of reason.
We see FIGMENT, looking inside a lit window of one of the houses, and a peculiar scene unfolds. A mechanical gentleman, standing before a chalkboard, becomes the maestro of this logical symphony. With the precision of a well-oiled machine, he frantically scribbles complex mathematical formulas, muttering in a tongue known only as Gibberish. The room echoes with the rhythmic scratch of chalk, a testament to the unyielding pursuit of logical clarity in this surreal settings.
On a pedestal near the blackboard we see a pulsating black hole…
The forrest of Objectivity
The FOREST of OBJECTIVITY, a realm where the dense foliage of impartiality obscures the proverbial forest, leaving observers entangled in the trivial details of individual trees. In this sanctuary. Within a small clearing, two venerable oak trees, their gnarled branches reaching skyward, stand as bastions of wisdom. These arboreal beings, with a dry British accent resonating through the rustle of leaves, engage in a peculiar dialogue beneath the verdant canopy.
One of the old oaks, holding a Polaroid camera fashioned from twig-like branches, extends a stiff arm and captures a snapshot of its companion and hands it to him. The click of the camera and a lightning of the flash echoes through the forest, freezing a moment in time within the photograph’s confines. The two trees then embark on a dialogue that engage in a philosophical conversation about the challenges of remaining objective in a world full of subjective nuances. Their discourse is a dance of logic, a back-and-forth that mirrors the sway of branches in the breeze.
“This is not me.”
“Yes it is.”
“Doesn’t look a bit like you”
“Yes it does”
Motive's gate
The entrance to MOTIVES GATE is a mysterious pit-hole nestled atop the summit of a towering mountain. The summit is dominated by the top of the barrel of a buried colossal cannon, its yawning black mouth akin to an abyssal hole, hinting at the immense power concealed within. The mountainside, adorned in a metallic sheen of silver, seems almost artificial against the backdrop of the sky. Here and there, white bones glisten in the sunlight, their reflections dancing across the surface. It’s as if the mountain itself is a sentinel, guarding the secrets of Motives Gate.
Upon reaching the summit, FIGMENT peers into the vast blackness of the cannon’s barrel. CANDOR and GUILT have descended already and are nowhere to be seen. The steel floor at the bottom gleams, and a few scattered white bones catch the sunlight, creating an eerie contrast against the metallic landscape. The immense size of the cannon becomes apparent, evoking a sense of both awe and trepidation.
FIGMENT discerns a faint, dull throbbing red light emanating from the depths. It pulsates like the heartbeat of a clandestine force waiting to be unleashed. At the very bottom of the cannon’s barrel, a steel floor lays the foundation for another revelation.
Hope Bar & grill
Welcome to HOPE BAR & GRILL, a refuge nestled within the recesses of ART’s mind, where weary travelers find solace amidst the tumult of emotional breakdowns. As the car, driven by desperate HUBRIS, grinds to a halt in the neglected industrial landscape, the musty rustic tavern emerges as a beacon of respite. The building stands weathered, adorned with a lit sign that spells out the words “Hope, Bar and Grill.” The warm glow spills onto the surroundings, offering a comforting contrast to the industrial decay. The atmosphere is a blend of nostalgia and resilience, as if the tavern itself carries the weight of countless stories and offers a haven for those seeking a momentary escape from the storms within.
Stepping inside, the air is thick with the scent of aged wood and the subtle hum of conversations. The muscled yet gentle bartender, a guardian of emotions, works diligently behind the bar. Spitting into a glass with practiced ease, he wipes it clean with a cloth, embodying the paradoxical combination of strength and tenderness that defines the essence of Hope Bar & Grill.
The patrons, each bearing the scars of emotional turmoil, find refuge in this haven. The bar serves not only spirits but a concoction of empathy and understanding. Here, conversations flow like a healing elixir, and the clinking of glasses becomes a soothing symphony, drowning out the echoes of past breakdowns. Within the walls of the Hope Bar & Grill, emotions are not merely experienced but shared, understood, and mended. It’s a place where the worn and weary discover that, despite the trials of the mind, there is always hope, and sometimes, all you need is a moment in this humble tavern to find it.
The Isle of Capricious
An entrance to a large open air market just across from the beach. The air is filled with smoke coming off many grills, the smells of cooked flesh and vegetables. The space is awash in color from the many vegetable stalls and fabric sellers. Woman are twirling customer’s hair into knots, a man is getting a shave, jugglers are juggling, an elephant is performing tricks for the children in the square, heavily made-up women are chattering, while assorted individuals of all races and colors are walking up and down the dusty streets selling a wide variety of goods, from watches to kitchen utensils. There are tailor shops, and bags of multi- colored spices, deep fried locusts on a stick, ice cream sellers and candy floss. The music of kettle drums, congas, a deep throated bass and electric guitars fill the air.
Here FIGMENT will meet HUNCH and SPUR who will challange him to practice his newly found free will.
Uncharted realm
The primal expanse of The UCHARTED REALMS, a prehistoric dreamscape where geysers and volcanoes paint the landscape with flames, lava, smoke, and steam. In the heart of this untamed wilderness, deep within ART’s mind, FIGMENT ventures into the unexplored, where the wild and the subconscious collide.
As the air trembles with the heat of untamed elements, FIGMENT encounters INTUITION, a shapeshifting shaman entrepreneur who navigates the currents of the subconscious and the spirit world with an expertise born of timeless wisdom. In this volatile landscape, INTUITION stands as an ageless sage, a guide through the uncharted territories of the mind. The geysers and volcanoes seem to respond to INTUITION’s presence, as if acknowledging a force attuned to the rhythm of the subconscious.
Amidst the primal chaos of The Uncharted Realms, INTUITION becomes a beacon of clarity, a bridge between the known and the undiscovered. It’s a place where the wild energies of the mind converge with the intuitive whispers of wisdom, and in this symphony of elements, FIGMENT gains a companion in the journey through the unexplored recesses of ART’s imagination.
Places - Live action locations
A business meeting is at hand. A large shiny oak table is surrounded by tired and irritable businessmen, who have been in that meeting for as long as they could remember. The table is covered with the remains of half eaten Chinese take-out, buckets of chicken bones and scraps, napkins, pizza boxes, empty bottles of diet Coke, plastic cutlery, empty coffee cups, stains and even some hungry and bloated insect life. They have been at it forever.